Buel House Pope Co. Illinois

Buel House
Exciting NEWS !!
The Buel House which has been in need of repair and maintenance
has been added to the 2024 Illinois Historic Sights list!
Tuesday, May 7th announcement: https://www.landmarks.org/
To see Tuesday's local news coverage:
The Alexander Buel House, constructed in 1840, is a state historic site with ties to the Trail of Tears. Like other Illinois State Historic Sites included on our 2024 Endangered List, the house suffers from deferred maintenance due to a lack of state resources. The state recently painted the exterior of the house, but other repairs are desperately needed, including urgent interior work.
To contact your state senator:  Senator Dale Fowler
senatorfowler59@gmail.com       Phone  (618) 294-8951
To contact your representative: Rep. Patrick Windhorst
windhorst@ilhousegop.org    Phone  (618) 294-8703
To contact IL Dept of Natural Resources
dnr.pio@illinois.gov   Phone:  (217) 782-6303